Newsletter February 2015
Robert John Blake
21.3.56 – 19.12.14
The passing of Robert is a sad loss to the Parish. As a much respected and knowledgeable member of the Parish Council he was always aware of the latest news and views of the village.
He had lived in East Anstey for most of his life so was able to advise us on items of historical interest.
During his time on the Council he served as Vice-Chairman and was Chairman for a short time.
The village fete was organised by him for a few years and his ideas were behind other village projects. It will be very difficult to replace him
We would like to send a message of condolence to Jenni and family
Charles Gillett
The Parish Council
Chairman | Mr Ian Vigus | 01398 341256 |
Vice-Chairman | Mr David Barber | 07836201959 |
Councillor | Mrs Tracy Brock | 01398 341406 |
Councillor | Mr Charles Gillett | 01398 341284 |
Councillor | Mr Robin Milton | 07770814180 |
Councillor | Miss Rebecca Warne | 01398 341100 |
Clerk | Mrs Jill Larcombe | 01884 252647 |
The Parish Council can also be contacted by email
District Councillor Eric Ley 01769 572337
County Councillor Jeremy Yabsley 01884 860745
Parish Council Meetings 201
4th February, 18th March (to include Village Fete planning. The date has been changed so that everyone on the Council that are involved can attend), 1st April, 13th May (later meeting date due to Parish Council elections on the 7th), 3rd June, 1st July, 5th August, 2nd September, 7th October,
4th November, 2nd December.
Meetings are always held at Allways End Methodist Hall, usually start at 7.30pm and members of the public are welcome.
Parish Council Vacancies
There are now 2 vacancies on the Parish Council. As it is so close to the election in May there is no requirement to fill those vacancies but the Council can do so if it wishes. There has been a lot of interest from parishioners in filling these vacancies so they are being advertised.
If you are interested in becoming a councillor until May please send a letter of application by email to or post to the Clerk, Mrs Jill Larcombe, 6 The Old School, Chapel Street, Tiverton, EX16 6ND by Saturday 31st January.
If you would like more details about what is involved in being a councillor please contact the Clerk or the Chairman, Cllr Ian Vigus.
Parish Council Elections May 2015
Dates to remember if you are interested in becoming a councillor: publication of notice of election – 16th March. Deadline for the receipt of candidate nominations by North Devon Council – 4 pm Thursday 9th April. Election – Thursday 7th May. Lookout more information on the notice boards, the next newsletter and on the website. Nomination forms will be available from the Clerk and North Devon Council.
Relaunch of Parish Website
The parish website has been updated and was re-launched just before Christmas. Type in and have a look. The Parish Council can now edit the site and Cllr Dave Barber has been bringing the information and news up to date. There is now an up to date list of councillors and their contact details. Agendas for and minutes from Parish Council meetings will be put on the website. From July the Parish Council will be required to publish certain financial information on the site. There will also be information on other local events.
Parish email List
We would like to be able to email parishioners to keep them informed when things are happening in the parish. While there are a number of names on the list we are aware that there are a number of parishioners who are missing from the list and who we are not keeping informed. Please could you give your email address to Cllr Dave Barber by emailing . Your email address will not be given to anyone else.
Next Village Fete Meeting
Anyone interested in planning and helping with the village fete, due to be held on Saturday 13th June, is invited to come to the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 18th March at 7.30pm. This meeting will start with planning for the fete. Plenty of help will be required to make this event a success so please come along and join in with the discussion.
Precept for 2015 – 2016
At the meeting on January 7th the Parish Council agreed its budget for the financial year 2015 – 2016 and has requested a precept of £2742 from North Devon Council who collect it through the Council tax. The Council will also receive a Parish Grant of £452 from North Devon Council towards running the play area and the grant the Parish Council gives to East Anstey PCC for the upkeep of the Church Yard. There will also be a Council Tax Support Grant of £135.10 which comes from the government but is paid through NDC. The Band D rate for the parish will be £26.41.
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