Minutes 2nd March 2022

The Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 at East Anstey Primary School at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Mrs H Warne (Chair), Ms J Gannon, R Gibson, Miss L Moore, I Vigus and Miss R Warne.
In attendance: Two members of Anstey WI and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

95/03/22. To receive apologies. Apologies were accepted from Cllr J Griffin and Cllr R Milton. Apologies were received from County Cllr J Yabsley and District Cllr E Ley.

96/03/22. Disclosure of interests in items on the agenda. There were no disclosures.

97/03/22. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd February 2022 as a accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chair.

98/03/22. Matters arising from the minutes, not included on the agenda. There were no matters arising.

99/03/22. Public Questions. Two members of Anstey WI, Karen Piercy (President) and Suzanne Blythe (Secretary) attended the meeting to say that Anstey WI would like to be more involved with what East Anstey Parish Council is doing and they offered the WI’s services for the event being planned in East Anstey to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

100/03/22. Planning
a) To make a recommendation on any planning applications received by the council before the meeting.
74746 Change of use of land to extend south facing curtilage of the house to make a larger garden at Piggingswood Farm, East Anstey. Grid Ref: 287114; 124271. No comment.
b) To note any decisions made on planning applications by NDC. No decisions received.
c) Any other planning matters. No other planning matters.

101/03/22. Highways: any highways issues. It was reported that the Roachill sign has been damaged for fourth time.

102/03/22. Reports
a) District Cllr. No report.
b) County Cllr. No report.

103/03/22. Finance:
a) To approve invoices for payment. It was resolved to make the following payments:                                     Mrs J Larcombe – £123.90 Clerk’s salary and expenses (Payment ref: 2122/29)
Community Heartbeat Trust – £120.00 Village Emergency Telephone System Year 5 (Payment ref: 2122/30)
The Parish Council has been invited to share West Anstey’s defibrillator refresher training session on 14th March. It was agreed that the Council would pay half the cost.
b) To note the bank balances. Current account – £594.26. Instant Access account – £5053.34
b) To review the Business Risk Assessment. The Business Risk Assessment for 2022 was agreed.
d) To agree a General Reserves Policy. The policy was agreed.

104/03/22. Play Area
a) Any issues arising from playground inspections. No issues arising.
b) To agree who will carry out inspections until the next meeting. Cllr Griffin will carry out the inspections.
c) To agree the purchase of goal post. Power was delegated to Cllr Mrs Warne, Cllr Miss Moore and the Clerk to order two junior size steel goal posts.
d) Grass cutting 2022. The Clerk is still waiting for a quote from Ridd & Son. It was agreed that if the increase was within 10% of the 2021 price it could be accepted.

105/03/22. Report from the Anstey Jubilee Garden Party Working Group. This event
will take place on Friday 3rd June. Anstey YFC are getting involved with the
arrangements and their insurance will cover the event. They will arrange an ‘It’s
a Knockout’.
Cllr Mrs Warne will apply for a Temporary Event Notice.
A PA system can be borrowed for the event.
Cllr Miss Moore will do teas and coffees. Anstey WI will make cakes.
There will be a barbeque.
Portable toilets and tables and chairs will be hired and the owner of the
neighbouring field will be approached to ask if it could be used for parking.
A dog show will be arranged and the WI offered to help with this.
There will be a Kings and Queens Fancy Dress and crown making competition
for the children and the school will be approached to help with this.
There will be a raffle and raffle prizes will be required.
The next working party meeting will be on Friday 25th March at 6pm.

106/03/22. To discuss joining in the lighting of a beacon for the Platinum Jubilee. Cllr Milton had emailed to confirm that West Anstey are lighting a beacon at Anstey Barrows on Thursday 2nd June when anyone is welcome. They are also having a bring and share lunch at Anstey Community Hall on Sunday 5th. Further
details of each event will follow.

107/03/22. Correspondence. There was no further correspondence. Councillors were reminded about the defibrillator training session on 14th March at Anstey Community Hall.

108/03/22. To agree the date and venue of the next meeting. The next meeting will be held on 6th April 2022. Cllr Miss Warne gave her apologies.

